Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm Excited. Unicornatopia is ALMOST here! :D

Coming Very Soon, Me, Angela, and Katie's Website Unicornatopia is a Dream Come True! Thanks to our new Roomie aka web master Brandon Santo. We already have a facebook fan site! Whoo hoo!

You should Like Us! We're bringing happiness and joy to the world Very Soon! :D EEEEEEeeeee!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

24Hr Animation Contest 2010 Entry

I was on a team with Nicholas Cage, Whitney Brown, Mitchelle Tompkins and 1 other girl (dunno her name) and our topic was "How did the chicken cross the road?" and it had to be 30 seconds. This was the result of great team work. We got 3rd place but I STILL think ours was the best! haha Great fun! Good times! Great Experience

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This drawing got me in trouble...

I had to Illustrate Lust. This was the result. After uploading it and being all proud of it My step mom deleted me on facebook. She's SUPER catholic, and I respect that and all but... COME ON! I could have drawn something Sooooooo Much Worse! I'm really biting my tongue with this post...HARD. I won't express my views on religion because the whole point of my blogspot is for networking. But PLEASE people, appreciate art for art's sake sometimes and try to get out of your own body sometimes, it will make YOU a better person...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hey, it's my 1st time blogging ever...

I hope I'm interesting enough to be a blogger. If I have something I can update, maybe I'll draw more, and maybe more people will pay attention... and if you DON'T read my blogs my Killer treasure Trolls from space will KILL You! hehe <3